Thursday, 11 October 2007

What God wants, God gets, God help us all.

Wow, post two. This might actually go somewhere...

This actually comes from a thought I had in one of those Religious Education lessons that completely miss the point. The topic was "Is it fair", and was supposed to get us questioning the world around us, and asses it obviously missing the point that I, and many others in the class, already do this. That ignorance - which is extremely common in these lessons - led me to partially ignore the task at hand, since I figured I'd already thought enough about it for now, and if I was asked a question, I was confident I could get a relevant statement from somewhere in my mind.

Anyway, after the teacher came around, and I was forced to give her some crap about how this overly capitalistic society was to blame, I resigned myself to actually look at the notes in front of us. Written down were the stances of the two major religions - Christianity and Islam. Ok, I thought, I'm a Socialist, let's look at this with an open mind. And what I read was the most hypocritical crap I'd ever seen.

Let's put things into prospective - Judaism belive in an entity called "God". This "God" is all-seeing, etc. Then some figure called "Jesus Christ" comes along. This "Jesus" says a lot of nice things and is nailed to a tree for it (sorry, I had to make a reference to The Hitchhicker's Guide to the Galaxy). Anyway, some of these Jews believe him, and split off, forming "Christianity". Then, later on, some guy called "Mohammed" does the same thing, and a new branch called "Islam" forms. These three main branches then split up even further. They go to war with each other, shun each other, consider each other blasphemers, etc. Yet they fail to see that they are essentially all the same. So what if the Jews don't believe in Jesus, it's the same god, right?

So why is it right for us to follow their example when being taught about "What is fair"? Why should I follow Christian Aid's example when their churches are paved with gold?

The fact of the matter is, no one can claim to be this "perfect entity", that only does good, and isn't hypocritical. We can strive for it, and we should strive for it, but it'll never happen. To play the cliché card, "Power corrupts". And religion has become too powerful. And there is very little that can be done. I may be an atheist, but I'm not going to stop people believing in something. To be honest, I'd like to think that there was something , some sort of "God" up there, but I just can't. So to stop people thinking what they want is as bad as evangelism, which I'm morally opposed to. No one's forcing you to read this.

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