Today, for those who don't know, is Dydd Gŵyl Dewi - St David's Day. And a rare religious event I'll take notice of. Why? Because, despite the obvious Christian references, it's a day to be patriotic, a day to be proud to be Welsh.
Ah, shit. Pride's a sin, isn't it, as well as being denounced by the other two "different" religions, Islam and Judaism. Well to be frank, fuck you - maybe if "God" had taken some pride in his work some of the problems on the planet wouldn't be here. But I don't want to get into another rant about religion. I've made my views clear about that before, and I'd rather not get sidetracked.
I will however rant about the importance of taking pride in your culture. I don't care what the Church thinks, pride is a good feeling. It lets us take inspiration, lets us strive to a greater goal, lets us feel a sense of accomplishment. If I'm proud of something I've done, it thickens my skin towards inevitable criticism, so that I don't decide to kill myself when someone says they don't like my sentence.
So on a day when the noteworthy patriotism of Wales is the focus, what can be taken away? Surprisingly, I think the best that can be done is to make today "just another day." Surely we should take the pride from today, and make it last? Feel as proud as we do today all year? What's wrong with taking such patriotism and retaining it, and all the positive feelings that derive from it?
Heddiw yw'r dydd i ni Cymry i sefyll lan yn erbyn gormes y Saes. Gadewch i ni ymfalchïo trwy'r flwyddyn, a rhoi'r neges i Lundain ein fod ni yn haeddi, yn barod, yn berchen ar wlad annibynnol, ar wlad rhyngwladol, ac yn barod i ymladd i dorri'r cadwyni. Mr Brown - mae'r "Ymerodraeth" Prydeinig wedi gorffen - un tasg sydd ar ôl. Un hawdd, un syml un amlwg. Rho'r wlad sydd â chymaint o ddiwylliant, hanes a iaith unigryw ei lle cyfreithlon yn y byd yn ôl. Cywirwch y rhai sy'n meddwl bod Cymru yn ran o Loegr. Cywirwch y trais a digwyddodd cymaint of flynyddoedd yn ôl.
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