Thursday 24 December 2009

A Pig on the Wing

Let's all ignore the past six months in a very nonchalant manner. Good, now that that's over...

Here's a thought: lesbians.

Here's an altogether, much deeper and profound thought: at what point do two seemingly compatible ideals clash?

If you completely missed the title, I am a Socialist, and all that comes with it. I'm also a Welsh Patriot, and a Liberalist. All good and fine? Here's the problem:

I try not to use the word "extreme" to describe my Socialist beliefs; I'm not about to blow myself up in the hope of getting half a million virgins to join me in the Great Gig in the Sky, so "strong" will have to do. Either way, a tenet of Socialism is the nationalisation, i.e. state control, of banks (ha!), utilities and businesses. Sounds good so far.

But Liberalism, by its very definition, means that everyone is free to think, say, and do as they please. So would I, as a hypothetical Head of State, have the right to take control of a business, and prevent it from trading, for whatever reason, for "the greater good"? And I know this idea has been milked so much that the cow resembles my bedroom floor after my 18th (and please don't throw Harry Potter at me, those books are big, and likely to hurt).

The question of a state also comes into it, though to a lesser extent: this all makes the state much more powerful, yet I would see no national boundaries, and the reduction of state power. Though please note that I can get around the whole Wales thing by pointing out the difference between, what I perceive as "patriotism" and "nationalism": I'm a patriot, not a nationalist. I think I've explained the difference, to me, somewhere on here, if not, I'm sure I'll get around to it at some point between now and the inevitable time when I see a bucket and get the uncontrollable urge to kick it.

But I digress.

This is the underlying problem with all ideals: to what extent are they compatible? I've always said that we're all hypocrites, myself included; how else can you describe a nihilist or existentialist (Sartre and Camus eat your hearts out. Oh wait, you're both dead... Moving swiftly on...) who sees absolutely no point or value in suicide?

Who wins in the battle of ideals? What is more important? Economic and Social fairness, or total freedom (which, incidentally, could lead straight to Capitalism. Argh!)? My gut says freedom, within a society with no government, or bureaucratic red tape that stopped me from expressing my opinion properly for 18 years, in a sort of Marxist/Socialist state that works properly, i.e. a Socialist Utopia, which I'll get around to defining properly one of these days, even if it is essentially unworkable.

Of course, there is a total compromise between them all, it's called "New Labour," apparently.

Oh shit.

Anyway, to end on a lighter note, tune in in approx. 24 hours for the first ever Christmas Special! That is, if I remember to write it...

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