Tuesday, 30 June 2009

Come In Here, Dear Boy, Have A Cigar

What the? That's what, four days since the last one? Shit, I am bored...

Anyway, was reading Nick Robinson's (of "didn't know you cared," to George Bush fame) BBC Blog earlier, and he had an interview with that pompous git of a Shadow Chancellor, George Osborne. Most of what was said consisted of the usual Tory moaning and whining, but one phrase, surprisingly, stuck with me: "David Cameron and the modern Conservatives." Admittedly, it may have been used before, but I hadn't heard it. Then again, I don't like wading through shit.

Either way, there was something about the phrase that hit me. Ignoring the lack of a capital letter for "modern," which could make everything I'm about to say redundant, it stuck me as the type of stunt that we've seen all before.

Ok, New Labour really were "New," but only in the sense that that 19th century vacuum cleaner you bought to replace the aging, yet fixable old one, was "new." What we got was the same old fan propelling the same old shit down our throats, and the continued decline of socialism. So maybe not "'New' Labour," but perhaps "'Different' Labour."

Either way, they'd changed. So how are the "Modern Conservatives" (or "modern Conservatives," if you insist) going to change? A sudden sharp turn to the left? Yeah right. To the right, then? If they go any further right, as their hilarious actions in Europe are suggesting, they might as well merge with the fucking BNP. Wonderful.

Like it or not (I'd like to emphasise the word "not" as much as possible), the Tories are getting in, and we know what happened last time. Thatcher's continued murder of Socialism goes unstopped, and the island's fucked. Just as New Labour didn't win any votes in 1997, they just got the vote against the Tories, so too will the "Modern Conservatives" will the anti-Labour vote this time around.

This two party system pretty much sums up my whole distrust and suspicion of party politics. Until there is a strong, Left Wing party, my views will never be represented in that mad house. Society's too fucking big.

Which incidentally, makes Welsh independence all the more vital, neatly bringing every aspect of the title here.

Or something like that, I started watching Monty Python half way through, and completely lost track of my trail of thought...

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