Thursday, 25 June 2009

You Never Talk To Me

Holy shit, it's a post!

... Or something like that. No, you're not getting a detailed life story of what happened in the however many months that I haven't posted. Even I don't give a shit what happened, so I see no reason why anyone else should.

Nor am I going to go on about the racist cunts getting in in those elections. To be perfectly honest, I don't know what to say that hasn't been said already. Eggcept (pathetic, I know...) a major congratulations to the guys who threw the eggs. They should make that a sport, National Throw an Egg at a Racist Day. I'm in.

Instead, let's talk about the other recent election - the Speaker of the House of Commons. I was sad enough to watch it, and got extremely annoyed at the incessant bowing and hat taking off. Bloody House of Lords...

Anyway, as soon as Jack Straw got tennis elbow and the event drew to a close, the real business began. The verdict? I don't like him. There's something about him that makes me uneasy, though I can't put my finger on it. Maybe it's the lingering knowledge that he was a member of the Monday Club, and no matter how far left he's turned since then (though let's be honest, New Labour isn't exactly left-wing), having that type of history is an immediate cause for suspicion.

Or maybe it's the patronising way he conducted Prime Minister's Questions yesterday. He let that "debate" about public investment go on far too long, it was utterly obvious that both Brown and Cameron were just repeating themselves, and it ended up as pointless point scoring (yes, that was pathetic too...). Bring back Betty!

Still, give the guy a chance, I suppose - it's not as if we get a say. All depends on how far he goes to reform the place. Which, inevitably, won't be far enough.

On a related note, let's hope the SNP win Michael Martin's Glasgow (East? West? Does it matter? One of them, anyway) seat. Though they'll likely have another chance soon, with a General Election on the way. On the plus side, I'll finally get a chance to vote, on the down side, the Tories are going to win. Shit. Usually, in this type of situation, I'd probably advocate an election, but not if it means the Tories get in. I genuinely don't understand why anyone would want to vote for those slimy, bloodthirsty gits.

Oh well. Maybe I'll move to Switzerland and live as a hermit for the rest of my life.

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